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  • Writer's pictureSomesh Garg

What does GSM Mean in Paper Quality?

GSM, or gramme square meter, is the abbreviation. GSM is another unit of measurement and stands for grammes per square meter. It indicates the density of a sheet of paper. Whenever you decide to purchase white paper online from a brand, it is very important that you consider the GSM of the paper. The GSM is an important factor that decides the type of paper that you will get. It is the weight or density of the paper, and you need to choose it correctly. Trident is always a favourite when it comes to getting the best range of papers for yourself. Here's how a GSM can actually get you the right kinds of paper for all your stationery and printing Xerox needs. It is recommended to buy from one of the leading A4 paper 80gsm manufacturers in India :

Weight of the paper

A4-sized paper roughly weighs something around 70 GSM to 90 GSM. When you decide to buy A4-sized papers online, it is important that you check the weight of the paper. There are various types of papers available on the market. If you don’t check the quality, you might as well get a very lightweight paper, which is not good for printing. The best A4 size paper will have a weight of 80 GSM, which is very good for photocopying and printing use. Papers with a 120 GSM weight are always ideal for printing flyers, marketing collateral, and brochures. If you choose a 70 GSM paper, it will be good for sketching or writing. Make sure you consider the weight of the paper that you are purchasing online.

Choose the right weight of paper

You need to understand the right weight in terms of the GSM of the paper. GSM actually means the density of the paper. You will not be able to Xerox both sides of the paper if the paper does not have a high weight and opacity. It is important to consider the right weight so that you are able to print and Xerox your paper. If you end up getting light paper, the paper will get stuck when you put it inside the Xerox machine for printing.

Words of wisdom

Explore the best quality paper available on the official website of the Trident group , one of the leading A4 paper 80gsm manufacturers in India. You will find the best quality paper at the most affordable price.

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